Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Sony Xperia ZL coming to Bell Canada on April 2?

xperia zl hands on
I know, I know, you all want the almighty Sony Xperia Z and feel like going for the ZL would mean making a compromise. But if you look closer at the ZL and decide it’s actually the very close next best thing (which, between you and me, it really is), you’ll be psyched to hear the non-waterproof 5-incher is due to land less than two weeks from now in Canada.
More specifically, ZL’s launch date on Bell is April 2, according to an internal carrier’s doc leaked earlier today. The thing looks legitimate, so we’ll take the date as granted, but that still leaves the pricing mystery intact.
Rumor has it Bell will be offering the big fellow for under $600 outright, unlike the Sony Store, where the SIM-free Rogers-locked version is listed at $674.99. You can pre-order that particular model already, while Bell only has a pre-registration page on its official website.
The other carriers expected to sell the ZL up north are Mobilicity, MTS, Videotron and WIND Mobile, leaving only Telus and SaskTel out for the time being. As for release dates, there’s a good shot Bell will be undercutting everyone else, but only by a few days.
Remember, the Xperia Z will most likely skip Canada on its way to global fame, while the Xperia Tablet Z has a few hours ago been confirmed as headed up north during the summer. Not a lot of love for Canadians from Sony, right?


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